Voluntary Redundancy Programme FAQs

Section 1 - Voluntary Redundancy and who can apply

1.1 - What is Voluntary Redundancy?

Voluntary redundancy enables individual members of staff to voluntarily apply for redundancy from Shropshire Council. Their post is then permanently deleted from the establishment (structure).

It is important to consider that it it the post and not the person that is reviewed as part of the process.

Redundancy can occur when the need for a post reduces or ceases.

1.2 - What is the difference between voluntary and compulsory redundancy?

There are two types of redundancy:-

  1. Voluntary redundancy enables an employee to put their name forward to request to leave the Council on the grounds of redundancy - voluntary.
  2. Compulsory redundancy is where the employer must formally consult and undertake a selection process to determine which posts must be deleted from the establishment. The structured process determines who will be made redundant and leave on the grounds on redundancy - compulsory

If an employee leaves on the grounds of redundancy, whether it is voluntary or compulsory, there is no difference in the amount of redundancy or pension benefits they would receive. (Subject to meeting the qualifying criteria, 2+ years’ service for a redundancy payment, aged 55+ to access pension, further guidance can be found in the sections below).

1.3 - Who can apply for Voluntary Redundancy?

  • Staff who have at least 2 years continuous service can apply, this includes employees on fixed term and temporary contracts.
  • Staff who previously applied for VR during the Voluntary Redundancy programme which opened in March 2024 and were given a decline outcome can re-apply but should speak to their service manager prior to submitting their application.
  • Shire Services staff based at schools are included and may request VR.

1.4 Who cannot apply for Voluntary Redundancy?

  • Staff with less than 2 years continuous service.
  • Staff who are already on notice to leave the council because of retirement or resignation are not able to apply for voluntary redundancy.
  • Staff who previously applied for VR during the Voluntary Redundancy Programme which opened in March 2024, and were given a deferred outcome need not reapply as their application is still being considered as part of service reviews.
  • If you are employed directly by a school, then this programme does not apply to you.
  • Agency staff cannot apply for VR.

1.5 - What if I have more than one post with Shropshire Council?

If you hold more than one post, you will only be made redundant from the affected post and will remain in any other post(s).  Redundancy pay will be calculated on the continuous start date of the post from which you are being made redundant.  If you are then made redundant from further positions the post start date for each position will apply.  
Pension is calculated on each post that you are being made redundant from. Please contact the Pensions Team for further information.

1.6 - I am already involved in a service restructure, what does the VR programme mean for me?

In the first instance you should have a discussion with your line manager to discuss your options.

If you are under consultation, then you should follow the process outlined in the restructure rather than using the online VR process.

1.7 - I am due to go on Family Leave (maternity, adoption and surrogacy adoption leave, Paternity Leave, Shared Parental leave). Am I able to apply for Voluntary Redundancy? How will this affect my pay?

Yes, you are still eligible to apply, although if granted Voluntary Redundancy, if you are on maternity, adoption or surrogacy adoption leave you would not be entitled to receive the half pay aspect of your pay as you would not return to work following your maternity leave. If you are in receipt of half pay, then as per the Family Leave policy you would be required to pay this back.

1.8 - I am currently absent from work ( e.g., on Family Leave, long-term sickness/ period of unpaid leave), does Voluntary Redundancy apply to me?

Yes it does. Your manager will ensure you are kept informed and have the opportunity to apply for Voluntary Redundancy.

You need to ensure your contact details are up to date in the ERP and discuss with your line manager how you would like to be kept informed.

1.9 - I am on secondment, can I apply for VR?

If you apply for voluntary redundancy, you will be considered for redundancy from your substantive post.  If your application is approved your secondment will end.  In this case, your redundancy payment would be calculated using the weekly pay rate you’re receiving for your seconded role at your leaving date.

1.10 - I am currently undertaking an apprenticeship what happens if I apply for VR?

Apprenticeships require a contract of employment to be viable and meet the requirements of the Apprenticeship Levy Funding Rules set out by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Apprenticeships are occupation based training and require the learner to be in contracted employment to enable them to support their development and build viable and timely evidence so that they are able to progress through their programme and demonstrate real life learning.

If you are currently undertaking an Apprenticeship supported by Shropshire Council and take VR then essentially you will no longer have a contract of employment and your apprenticeship will no longer meet the funding rules and we will be required to withdraw you from your apprenticeship programme.

It is both the learner and the line manager’s responsibility to inform the relevant Training Provider and Upskill Shropshire of anyone leaving the authority within a timely manner. We need as much notice as possible to meet our contractual requirements and complete the appropriate paperwork. If you have any concerns or questions please email apprenticeshiplevy@shropshire.gov.uk.

1.11 - If I'm made redundant can my post be filled when I leave?

No. This is because redundancy is about deleting posts from the establishment. This means that when a post is deleted the postholder has to leave on the grounds of redundancy. Therefore, the post will not exist after the redundancy has taken place. Managers will not be able to recruit to the post or ask for a broadly similar post to be created.

1.12 - Can I reapply if my application for VR is not successful?

If your application is deferred, your application will continue to be reviewed by Workforce Boards and moderated by EMT. If the status of your application changes, you will be notified. You do not need to reapply.

If your application is declined due to other reasons, for example service continuity requirements, you may reapply, but please be aware that the original decision would have taken into account whether your application could be reconsidered in the future, in which case a deferred outcome would have been given.

Section 2 - The process for applying for Voluntary Redundancy (VR)

2.1 - If you are thinking about voluntary redundancy, the following applies:

You must have a discussion with your line manager to establish if voluntary redundancy is an option for your post. The line manager will know what savings need to be made within your service area and which posts may be suitable for Voluntary redundancy. Further discussion with their Senior Manager maybe required.

To assist with the discussion, think about the following:

  • Does the role depend on a function only you are able to perform at this time?
  • Will there be sufficient capacity to do this job, or in this department, if you leave?
  • Can another member of staff take on this role’s responsibility if you go?
  • Can an apprentice position be created?
  • Can the work be undertaken in a different way i.e., through automation?
  • What are the skills gaps that would need to be addressed in accepting VR application(s)? 
  • Use the redundancy calculator to provisionally work out your redundancy figures.
  • If you are a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGSP) and aged 55 or over, go to the Shropshire Pension Fund website and register/log into My Pension Online to calculate what the effect on your pension may be if you were to retire before Normal Pension Age (NPA).

Your Line Manager/Senior Manager will confirm whether your request is a possibility or not, however this doesn’t remove your ability to apply for VR as this decision will be made the workforce board. To assist the workforce board consisting of the Executive Director, Assistant Directors, Strategic HR BP and Finance BP with the decision there is a form for your manager to complete detailing the management criteria for consideration of a VR application.

To progress your VR:

  • You can formally request VR using the application form (please note, the window for applying closed on Friday 19 April 2024)
  • You will then receive redundancy calculations from payroll, on receipt of these you will have the option to withdraw or proceed with your application.
  • If you proceed this will start your VR application process for consideration by the Directorate Workforce Board.
  • The Workforce Board will consider your application for VR based on the costs to the council (redundancy figures and pension strain) and the management criteria.
  • Following the Workforce Board, EMT will moderate the decisions. You will receive an email to confirm the outcome of the application to confirm whether it has been approved / declined / deferred.
  • If your application is approved, a formal notice letter will be issued by Human Resources (HR).
  • If your application is rejected, you can appeal the decision. If your application for VR is approved, you will have the right of appeal as outlined in your dismissal letter.

2.2 - How do I apply?

You will need to complete the VR application form.

You will need to have discussed this with your manager 

2.3 - Can I apply without speaking with my line manager?

No. Your application will not be considered unless there has been a discussion with your line manager in the first instance.

2.4 - My manager does not support my request. Can I apply anyway?

All applications will be considered, however, if your line manager, for service/business reasons does not support your request it will be taken into account by the Workforce Board reviewing your application. 

If your line manager has had further conversations with the relevant Assistant Director and they also do not support your request, then your application is unlikely to be approved.  You will however, have the right of appeal.

2.5 - What is the process for applying?



  • Review VR process, FAQs and redundancy calculator for estimate
  • Discuss VR with your line manager
  • Application form submitted on line


  • Redundancy calculated and shared with employee


  • Employee has 10 days to accept to continue with application or withdraw


  • Manager decision form completed and submitted on line


  • Pension strain calculated if employee over 55

Workforce board

  • VR Application, management decision form and costs considered at next available directorate workforce board, outcome - approved, declined, deferred


  • VR decision ratified at next available EMT

Assistant director and manager

  • AD confirms outcome to line manager
  • If VR approved line manager confirms leave date with employee


  • HR produce outcome letter signed off by executive director


  • Confirm acceptance of outcome / opportunity to appeal as detailed in letter within 10 days
  • Approved VRs - line manager and employee complete leavers process

2.6 - Who will decide if my application is accepted for VR?

Directorate Workforce Boards will review VR applications for their teams and decide whether or not to approve them based on costs and savings produced, requirements of the relevant service and the opportunities to restructure and reorganise.

Moderation at EMT on VR applications will then be undertaken before final outcomes / decisions are made.

2.7 - What will my leaving date be?

If your application for VR is approved, the council will write to you giving notice, your letter of dismissal will state your date of leaving and will take account of whichever is greater: statutory or contractual notice, please refer to the Notice Periods Policy.


If you are employed in a grade 9 post and have 3 years’ service you are entitled to 2 months’ notice, your leaving date will be 2 months from the date of the letter. (because in this example, contractual notice is greater than statutory)

If you are employed in a grade 9 post and have 15 years’ service, your leaving date will be 12 weeks’ from the date of the letter. (because in this example, statutory is greater than contractual).

The date requested may be negotiated and as part of the application process you will have the opportunity to select your leave date based on your notice or indicate if you want to waive any notice.

You will be required to take outstanding annual leave before your leaving date. Leave must be taken before accrued TOIL. If you have outstanding TOIL by your leaving date, this will not be paid.

2.8 - If I am unsuccessful this time or if I decide not to apply this time will I get another opportunity?

Each service area will be different and further opportunities for VR will depend upon the needs of the service and the wider council.

2.9 - What if I apply for VR and then change my mind?

If you change your mind, or your circumstances change, let us know and between us we’ll work out the best way forward. You will not be able to withdraw your application once you have received your official notice of redundancy.

2.10 - Will taking VR affect any unemployment benefits I can claim?

Yes, potentially because VR is viewed differently to compulsory redundancy when calculating some benefits. You will need to check this with your local Jobcentre Plus. Also, any personal insurance policies you hold covering mortgage or salary protection may also be affected and you should check these with your insurance providers.

2.11 My estimated redundancy figures have come via an encrypted email how do I open the email?

Microsoft support provides details on how to open a protected message.

2.12 Is there a closing date for the VR scheme?

The VR scheme remains open and applications will be considered at weekly Workforce Boards and moderated at fortnightly EMT meetings.

Section 3 - Appeals

3.1 - Do I have the right of appeal if my request is denied?

If your application has been rejected at any stage, you can appeal.

3.2 - Do I have the right of appeal if my request is approved?

Yes, if you have been granted VR you will have a formal right to appeal and the decision of the relevant Executive Director / EMT is final. The process will be outlined in the Dismissal letter.

Section 4 - Redundancy payment

4.1 - How is redundancy pay worked out?

The redundancy payment would be based upon your age at date of leaving and your length of continuous service at date of leaving (in full years) in the affected post up to a maximum of twenty years. Please refer to the Redundancy Policy, section 11.

If you have TUPE transferred into the council, your redundancy payments will be in line with your transferred terms and conditions

4.2 - I need to know what my redundancy pay would be before I can consider applying for VR, can I calculate my own Redundancy Payment?

Yes, full details are given in the Redundancy Policy, paragraph 11.

However, you may wish to use the redundancy calculator to produce an estimate.

Please note this refers to:

  • You have over 2 years continuous service
  • Payment is calculated up to a maximum length of service of 20 years.
  • Years of service used for redundancy is capped at 20 so if you have over 20 years the maximum you can enter is 20.
  • The redundancy calculator is for an estimate only, should you wish to proceed with an application for VR your official figures will be provided to you during the application process by payroll.
  • The redundancy calculator doesn’t take into account any broken/aggregated service, if you have proof of this service, any qualifying years will be factored into the payroll figures you will receive
  • To use the calculator, you will need the following information:
    • Annual pay
    • Weeks worked per year
    • Complete years of continuous service
    • Age

Screenshot of the Voluntary Redundancy calculator that asks for your annual pay, weeks worked per year, complete years of continuous service and your age.

This will then calculate your estimated redundancy. Please note this will not include any aggregated service you may hold; this would only impact the figures if this was broken service under the 20 years gap.

Calculating your redundancy and pension can be done in work time. 

4.3 - How do I find my continuous/ aggregated service date?

  1. Log into ERP
  2. Select Home > Your employment > Personnel information
    Screenshot of ERP homepage highlighting the Home button, 'Your Employment' menu item and 'Personnel information' link
  3. Select the Personnel tab
    Screenshot of ERP showing the list of tabs under 'Personnel information' with the 'Personnel' tab highlighted
  4. Using the "Cont.Serv.Date" field, you can work out how many full years of service you will have at date of leaving.
    Screenshot of ERP page showing a list of fields, with the 'Cont.Serv.Date' field highlighted
    For instance, for a start date of 28 April 1999 and a leaving date of 31 July 2024, there would be 25 full years of service. It will be 26 years’ service on 28.04.25. For the redundancy calculator you would therefore enter 20 years, as this is the maximum service considered for redundancy calculations.

You can also check your Aggregated Service Date, which includes broken service with a relevant organisation prescribed on the Modification Order. 

4.4 - I don’t think my continuous service date is correct, what do I do?

The date in the ERP will be used to calculate redundancy payments. If you don’t think this is correct and you think you have previous service with a relevant organisation as prescribed on the Modification Order, you will need to provide evidence of your previous service.

Payroll service will require evidence of relevant previous service in the form of suitable documentation that confirms your employment history.

If evidence can’t be provided then your calculation will be based on the date held in ERP.

If your Continuous/ aggregated service date does not accurately reflect your total length of service, please email evidence of your previous service to payroll.notifications@shropshire.gov.uk

Please note that your aggregated service date may be different to your continuous service date which will be the date on which your current employment with Shropshire Council commenced or the date of any continuous previous service with any public authority to which the Redundancy Payments Modification Order (Local Government) 1983 applies.

4.5 - Will taking VR affect my continuous service?

Yes, if you take a post with another council more than four weeks after you have been made redundant, you will not have any continuous service. If you are offered work with another council (or any organisation prescribed on the Modification Order) before you leave Shropshire Council and/or you start working for another council less than 4 weeks after your leaving date from Shropshire Council you will be asked to repay your redundancy payment and your continuous service will continue with your new employer.

4.6 - How do I find my annual salary?

  1. Log into the ERP
  2. Select Home > Your employment > Personnel information
    Screenshot of ERP homepage highlighting the Home button, 'Your Employment' menu item and 'Personnel information' link
  3. Select the Payroll tab
    Screenshot of ERP showing the list of tabs under 'Personnel information' with the Payrol tab highlighted
  4. Scroll down to 'Resource rates table'
    Screenshot of ERP showing the 'Resource rates table' with the heading highlighted
  5. Scroll across to see 'Actual Annual Salary' (in this example it is £25,186.62
    Screenshot of ERP showing the figure given for the actual annual salary

4.7 - How do I find my working weeks per year?

  1. Log into the ERP
  2. Select Home > Your employment > Personnel information
    Screenshot of ERP homepage highlighting the Home button, 'Your Employment' menu item and 'Personnel information' link
  3. Select the 'Rates' button at the bottom of the screen
    Screenshot of ERP showing the 'Rates' button
  4. Select 'Rate overview'
    Screenshot of ERP with the 'Rate overview' tab highlighted
  5. Scroll down until you find 'Actual Working Weeks per Year' - the number will be shown a few columns across in that row
    Screenshot of ERP showing a table with 'Actual working...' and the number of working weeks highlighted.

4.8 - Will Human Resources provide me with my redundancy figures?

Employees need to self-serve and use the voluntary redundancy calculator for an estimate and, on submission of the VR application form, figures will be calculated by payroll and pensions to determine the total cost for the redundancy.

4.9 - Will I have to pay Tax and National Insurance on my redundancy payment?

Payments up to £30,000 are not subject to Tax or National Insurance. Everything above this figure will be taxed at your normal rate.

4.10 - If my VR request is successful when will I receive my redundancy payment?

You will receive your redundancy payment no later than the next scheduled pay run the month following your official leaving date.

e.g., if your leaving date is 30 June 2024 then your redundancy payment will be 20th July 2024.

4.11 - Is the payment for voluntary and compulsory redundancy the same?

Yes. The redundancy payment is the same regardless of whether you leave on the grounds of voluntary redundancy or compulsory redundancy.  The calculation is the same, please refer to the Redundancy Policy.
There is no difference for pension purposes either. 

Section 5 - Leaving date

5.1 - I want to take VR next week, is this possible?

You need to be mindful when requesting VR, to take account of the timescale for the approval process, the appropriate contractual notice you’re required to work and any annual leave you need to use before leaving the Council. The date you request may be negotiated. You can visit the notice period policy on the Intranet to find out more.

5.2 - What date can I leave?

You will need to discuss and agree with your line manager a suitable leaving date. This may require compromise from you and your line manager. Ultimately, the needs of the service and arrangements to hand over work need to be considered.

To provide accurate figures and to ensure that we meet payroll deadlines, we shall calculate all redundancy figures based upon the last day of the month that the employee has expressed their intention to leave.

E.g., you and your manager agree a leaving date of 15 July 2024 therefore calculations and leaving dates will be deferred until 31 July 2024.

5.3 - Do I have to take all outstanding annual leave before I leave?

Individuals need to ensure that all outstanding annual leave is taken prior to the agreed leaving date. In some instances, this may not be possible due to the needs of the service or where an earlier leaving date has been mutually agreed. If you are due any annual leave when you finish employment, your manager will need to include this on the leaver notification form completed in the ERP to payroll services so that you are paid up to your end date and for any outstanding leave. Please refer to the Notice Periods Policy.

If you have taken more than your entitlement at your leaving date, your manager will need to include this on your leaver notification form and a deduction will be made from your final pay.  

5.4 - How do I calculate my annual leave and Bank holiday entitlement if I only work part of a year?

Please refer to the annual leave and bank holiday FAQs.

Section 6 - Salary sacrifice

6.1 - I have a salary deduction through the Governments Cycle to Work scheme

Under the terms of the cycle to work scheme you will have signed to agree to settle all outstanding monies if you leave Shropshire Council before the hire agreement concludes.

The outstanding balance will be deducted from your final net salary payment, or invoiced to you by the payroll team if insufficient funds are available from your final salary.

6.2 - How do I find out how much money is owed by me?

Please contact Vivup on 01252 784540 or email customersupport@vivup.co.uk

6.3 - I have purchased additional annual leave this year what happens if I leave part way through the leave year?

If you are paying into the scheme, you will have the total amount owed to the Council deducted from your final salary. You will then be able to take any remaining days of additional leave left to take in your notice period. This is detailed in the consent form when applying to purchase additional leave, more details can be found in the Annual Leave Policy select Appendix A.

6.4 - I have a car through the Tusker car scheme and am considering VR

If you leave your employment during the first three months of your Tusker agreement, commencing from the delivery date of the car, you will be liable to pay an early termination charge to exit the scheme. You will be required to pay this charge in one lump sum, and it will be deducted from your final salary, or invoiced to you by the payroll team if insufficient funds are available from your final salary.

To find out what your early termination charge would be please contact Tusker on 0333 400 2020 or email earlyterminations@tuskerdirect.com

Please note that the three-month termination period is calculated on the date the employee first notifies their employer of their intention to terminate their employment and not on the actual termination date, therefore in the event of VR, the termination period would be calculated on the date on which you formally submit your VR application.

If you leave your employment after the three-month exclusion period, you will not be liable for the early termination charge and you can hand your vehicle back without penalty, subject to any excess mileage or wear and tear charges which may otherwise apply as per the terms and conditions of your agreement.

You are strongly advised to consult Tusker for clarification regarding your individual agreement prior to submitting your VR application.

6.5 - I have childcare vouchers, what happens if I leave?

You can leave the childcare voucher scheme via the Sodexo portal which you use to administer your vouchers, further information can be found via the help centre within the portal or by contacting Sodexo on 0800 328 7411.

If you leave the scheme, this will not impact the vouchers you have already paid for, and you can continue to use these after leaving the scheme. You will have between 27 and 30 months to use your vouchers and the exact expiry dates are listed on your portal.

Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any unused vouchers.

6.6 - Will I still be able to access Vivup?

You will not be able to access the Vivup benefits once your employment has ended.

Section 7 - Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) benefits

7.1 - I am aged 55+ and have more than two years membership in the LGPS at date of redundancy what does that mean for me?

If you are aged 55 or over and have more than 2 years membership in the LGPS at the date of redundancy, you are entitled to immediate payment of the pension benefits that you have built up to the day you leave. No reduction is applied to your pension and lump sum (if applicable) for being paid earlier (you will receive what you have built up). Please note that your pension won’t be enhanced so you won’t receive the same amount of pension that you would receive at Normal Pension Age.  

Your pension benefits must be paid, you cannot defer payment. You will be entitled to a redundancy payment and your pension benefits.

Retiring over age 55

7.2 - I am under age 55, I have more than 2 years membership at date of redundancy, what does that mean for me?

If you are under age 55 and have more than 2 years’ membership in the LGPS at the date of redundancy, your pension and lump sum (if applicable) built up to the date you leave becomes a deferred benefit. A deferred benefit is adjusted each year in line with cost of living and is payable from your Normal Pension Age. You can choose to have your deferred benefits payable any time from age 55 but it may be reduced for being paid before your Normal Pension Age. You can request to transfer your deferred benefit to another pension scheme you may join in the future.

Leaving before age 55

7.3 - I have less than 2 years membership in the LGPS, what happens to my pension if I leave?

If you have less than 2 years’ membership in the LGPS please contact the Pensions Team for your options, pensions@shropshire.gov.uk or use the chatbot on their website in the first instance for information.

7.4 - How do I work out my pension if I take VR? What is My Pension Online?

If you are a LGPS member you can calculate your pension benefits using a secure online area called ‘My Pension Online.’ 

To register or sign into ‘My Pension Online’ please visit https://mypension.shropshirecountypensionfund.co.uk

You will need your NI number, date of birth and an email address.

For employees aged 55 or over, there is a benefit projector in My Pension Online to calculate the benefits paid immediately upon redundancy, the calculator does not currently provide information for the maximum lump sum you would be able to take but you can calculate this online using this link.

For members under age 55 there is a deferred benefit calculator.

If on calculation of the benefits using My Pension Online you would like further information about your pension options, you should contact Pensions Services. You can email the team pensions@shropshire.gov.uk and also find a lot of information on the pension fund website and via the new virtual assistant. You can also contact the team on 01743 252130 (10am-4pm).

7.5 - Why are there two calculators on My Pension Online? one for Voluntary retirement and one for Redundancy retirement– which one do I use for VR?

There are two calculators for different purposes.  

Redundancy retirement

If you are working out your pension figures, whether you are leaving on voluntary redundancy or compulsory redundancy, you need to use the Redundancy retirement benefits calculator. When you log into My Pension Online, select Pension Benefits > Benefit projectors > Redundancy retirement. 

Voluntary retirement

The Voluntary Retirement calculator is for someone who just leaves (without a redundancy payment) and takes their benefits, which may be reduced if they are retiring at normal retirement age.  

7.6 - What happens to my pension if I am a deferred member?

If you leave on the grounds of redundancy and you are a deferred member, your deferred benefits don’t automatically come into payment. Find out more.

7.7 - If I leave on the grounds of redundancy what happens if I have an AVC or SCAVC?

  • Once redundancy has been agreed information about your AVC will be forwarded to you from the Pensions Team. 
  • If you have a shared cost AVC (SCAVC) you are able to voluntarily end your SCAVC contributions at any time, however, please be aware that you will need to ensure that you have cancelled your contributions via the My Money Matters portal, formally known as AVC Wise, the month before your final salary is due to be paid.

For further clarification please contact My Money Matters, formally AVC Wise, via the portal or on 01252 959 779.

7.8 - How do I contact the Pensions Team?

You must contact the Pensions helpdesk by emailing your query/request to pensions@shropshire.gov.uk  

Your query/request will be logged and responded to in order.  If you contact an individual member of the team directly you will be asked to email the helpdesk.  By following the process everyone will be responded to and queries can be monitored effectively.

There is also a lot of information on the pension fund website and via the new virtual assistant. 

You can also contact the team on 01743 252130 (10am-4pm), your query will be logged and responded to in order.

7.9 When will I receive my pension payment?

If you are aged over 55 information regarding the retirement process can be found in the pension fund guide on the link below, this explains when you will receive information regarding your pension and what information we will need from you to bring that into payment.

Retiring over age 55

Please note the process also details the steps that need to be taken to bring your pension into payment including the timescales for this.

Section 8 - Employment after leaving Shropshire Council

8.1 - If I am granted VR can I apply to work at another Council?

Any offer of employment made by any local authority (or specified body covered by the Modification Order) accepted whilst under notice of redundancy and commencing within four weeks of the date of redundancy would disqualify an employee from receiving a redundancy payment.

In the event of being re-employed in another local authority post (or with a related employer) after termination and having received a redundancy payment, continuity of service for purposes of any future redundancy pay rights will start afresh.

8.2 - If I am granted VR, can I work for Shropshire Council again?

You will not be able to work for Shropshire Council in a broadly similar or same position in any capacity, for two years from date of leaving. This includes returning as an employee, a contractor, consultant, agency worker or on a casual basis.

Section 9 - Other measures to reduce employment costs

9.1 - I don’t want to take VR but would be interested in reducing my contracted hours

You could consider flexible working and reduce your contracted hours, please follow the link to the 'Leave and working hours' extranet page and select Flexible Working Policy. Alternatively, you could consider flexible retirement, please follow the link to the Pensions and Retirement page.   

9.2 - Would I be able to ask for extended unpaid leave?

Yes. We need to make savings, so if you would like to request unpaid absence (up to six months) your request will be considered in line with service need.  Please refer to the Flexible Working Policy, Appendix G.

9.3 - Will Shropshire Council be making any compulsory redundancies?

There will be some compulsory redundancies, but we will try to keep these to a minimum – we will be stopping some services altogether so some will be inevitable. Some proposals will also require further public consultation before resizing can take place.

Section 10 - Preparing to leave

10.1 - Will I be able to access my payslips, P60s and contract amendments on the ERP when I leave?

No. You will need to save any copies that you may require in the future. please watch the guidance video

If you don’t have access to a work laptop or mobile phone, you should access your payslips via a personal device, you will then be able to save any copies that you may require in future. You will need to follow the information on our website to ensure you are set up on a personal device. If you don’t have access to the intranet and you want to save your payslips, please view the YouTube video

10.2 - How do I ensure my address and emergency contract details are up to date?

Please follow the guidance notes on the Intranet.

10.3 - I am leaving before any pay award has been agreed but I believe I will be entitled to it, will it be paid to me automatically?

No. If you leave your employment with Shropshire Council before the date the payment is made, any back pay you are due will not be automatically made to you. In this case you will need to send an email to payroll.notifications@shrosphire.gov.uk.

In the email you will need to provide your Resource ID, and a line of information requesting the pay award back pay. You will also need to confirm that your payment details have not changed from the ones we had recorded for you at the time you left employment.

10.4 - If I take redundancy on a date before the NJC pay award is agreed will I receive a new calculation based on the new rates of pay?

No. Your calculation has been based on the pay you received before the pay award was agreed.

10.5 - What is the exit procedure?

If your request for VR is approved you will receive confirmation of the approval and a formal notice letter.

To officially notify the Council that you wish to leave your post or that you are ending employment with the Council, in the first instance please have a discussion with your line manager and decide which one of you will complete the Leaver Notification form in the ERP. 
Once this form has been completed, it will workflow to Payroll to process your leave date.  

Others forms that must be completed in the ERP are: 

  • Exit Interview – to be completed with line manager prior to leaving 
  • Exit Questionnaire – to be completed by employee  

10.6 - How do I find the leaver process forms in the ERP?

Log into the ERP. Select Home/ Forms/ Leaver (SC) and select either; 

  • Leaver Notification form, to be completed by employee
  • Exit Interview, to be completed by line manager
  • Exit questionnaire form, to be completed by employee

10.7 - I am a line manager and one of my team is leaving on VR what do I need to do?

It's the responsibility of the line manager to ensure that information, physical assets, subscriptions, etc. are managed appropriately. There is guidance and a checklist provided to help you do this effectively.

10.8 - I've received my outcome letter from the voluntary redundancy programme and I've accepted the terms and conditions. Am I still eligible for a long service award?

Yes, if you meet the criteria for the award, 25 years' local authority service, 20 years of which is with Shropshire Council or any of the preceding district and borough councils. For further details visit the How do I apply for the long service award? page. Please note the cost of the long service award is met from the team budget.

10.9 - I'm leaving the council and have office equipment to return. What should I do with it?

You may have office equipment at home, for example chairs, drawers or desks, that you'll have collected from Shirehall in the past. If this is the case you'll need to arrange transport to return items back to Shirehall. 

10.10 - How do I check what equipment a team member has and where do I return it to?

You can review the 'equipment already received' form in ERP which will detail IT and office equipment. Does the member of staff have access to any other service or equipment that needs to be changed, disabled or recovered when they leave? Please use the leavers guidance and checklist during the leavers process to review other items they may have. It's the manager's responsibility to ensure all kit is returned. 

IT needs to be returned to the IT team for reuse rather than being held in the service area. You'll be able to  drop equipment into the hub in Shirehall. 

Office furniture can be returned to Shirehall, but please contact the Facilities team to arrange when this is being returned and where to store items.

10.11 - I've received my letter but want to change my leave date

In the first instance discuss this with your line manager. Please note that if the date you'd like to leave is earlier than the date in your letter you may need to agree to waive all or part of your notice period.

Section 11 - Additional help and information

11.1 - Where can I find out more about my pension?

Further useful information on LGPS and guides can also be found at: http://shropshirecountypensionfund.co.uk/ including ‘My Pension Online’ calculator and on line assistant.

The Pensions Team can be contacted at pensions@shropshire.gov.uk.

The LGPS also has a national website: https://www.lgpsmember.org/ which contains guides and videos.

Pension Wise, is a service from MoneyHelper which is a free and impartial service offered by the Government to help people understand their pension options.

To find out more about My Money Matters, formally AVC Wise, go to https://shropshire.vivup.co.uk

To find out dates of the forthcoming Pre-retirement courses please follow the links:

11.2 - Where can I find out more about wellbeing?

Occupational Health will be able to provide further support. Confidential counselling is also available, the aim of the service is to support you at times when you may be experiencing difficulties. NOSS can be contacted on 01978 780479 - 24-hour answer phone or E-mail: TherapyServices@optimahealth.co.uk

You can also find health and wellbeing information on our Intranet. Information is also available from personal devices via the mental health and wellbeing pages on our website.

11.3 - If I take VR can the Council help me find alternative employment?

Shropshire Council offers a range of support services to employees during this period where you might be at risk of redundancy. The Human Resources team can provide further details on CV writing, interview skills and change management amongst others. If you attend the courses run by the Council you will be eligible to attend during work time.

Online modules are available on Leap into Learning.

Job Centre Plus has their own website for vacancies and can provide advice on benefits. Contact your local office or visit their website: http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk 

The National Careers Service website provides a wide variety of tools, advice and interactive guidance covering Skills health Check match to job suggestions, Job profiles for up to 750 different Careers, CV Builder, Interview preparation, Job Market information from a wide range of Sectors. 


Search on job/career websites will be in your own time.   Please see information in the Redundancy Policy section 13 Assistance to Seek New Employment.

11.4 Where can I find out about the benefits that I may be able to claim?

We've been collaborating with our local Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) staff to make sure that you're supported should you have any worries about your job at present or for the future.

DWP colleagues will be delivering several sessions on redundancy which will be accessible to all staff wanting to understand more – please click on the DWP Employee Redundancy Factsheet further information.

The sessions will be hybrid, meaning you can attend either face to face or virtually, and will last for at least one hour.  There will be an additional 30 minutes set aside at the end of each session for anyone who wishes to ask colleagues additional questions.  

All upcoming dates are detailed on Leap into Learning, where you can book your place either virtually or face to face.