Meet the leadership board
In February, we announced the structure of our new leadership board, part of our senior management restructure to help us become the council we need to be.
This is the blueprint to a whole new way of working that will help us become modern, sustainable, agile and resilient as a smaller council. From 1 March, the new leadership board is now in place.
Let's take the chance to get to know the whole leadership board, and the role each person plays in shaping our next steps...

Andy Begley, Chief Executive
As head of paid service, the chief executive works closely with the leader of the Council. In this role, Andy appoints executive directors to drive decision making and meet statutory responsibilities

James Walton, Executive Director with a statutory responsibility for finance
James is our Chief Section 151 officer, the most senior officer responsible for managing the council's budget. Everybody in the council has a role to play in helping to reduce spending, and James is the one who leads our financial strategy.

Rachel Robinson, Executive Director with statutory responsibility for public health
Rachel has led public health at Shropshire through the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, striving for a council that puts prevention at the forefront of health and social care. Rachel will hold a joint role with Shropshire Council and health in a partnership to turbo-charge prevention initiatives across the whole health and care system.

Tanya Miles, Executive Director with statutory responsibility for adult social care
Tanya was the existing ED for the People Directorate and has led the highest ever delivery of savings all whilst improving outcomes for residents, including the recent 'good' rating from the Care Quality Commission. Tanya will continue to take an executive leadership role with a focus on adult social care.

David Shaw, Director of children's services (from 1 July 2025)
Director of children's services is a statutory role, which was previously combined into Tanya Miles' role overseeing People Directorate.
David will start in this role in July, to allow time for a smooth transition and consistency during our corporate OFSTED inspection

Sam Williams - Enabling
Sam is responsible for the tactical leadership, management and operation of the enabling function, working closely with all other functional areas and the leadership board to deliver continuous improvement across the council in all areas of influence.

Billy Webster - Strategy
Billy is responsible for the leadership, management and development of the strategy function of the council, supporting the achievement of local and regional objectives, meeting external standards and national requirements.

Andy Wilde - Infrastructure
Andy is responsible for those service areas that provide the backbone of physical infrastructure for Shropshire as a whole, including infrastructure, highways & engineering, environment & maintenance, transport, planning & development control, development & regeneration, national landscapes & outdoor partnerships.

Tim Collard – Legal and Governance
Tim is the Council’s Monitoring Officer, responsible for ensuring all statutory functions are discharged in accordance with the law. He is the strategic lead for governance and assurance and oversees the Legal and Governance team which includes Democratic Services, Registrars, Internal Audit, IG, complaints and Scrutiny.

Sonya Miller – Children and Young People
Sonya's role is to ensure that children are safeguarded and Children in our Care are cared for and achieve their potential. This requires robust arrangements being in place to meet the standards required by external & regulatory inspections, developing and delivering services to support Shropshire's children and young people.

Paula Mawson – Customer and Communities
Paula is responsible for driving forward our focus on communities and customers, ensuring our residents' needs are at the heart of all we do through our focus on the customer journey. Working collaboratively with a broad range of stakeholders, and through strategically leading a broad range of internal services, Paula will deliver innovative approaches to achieving healthy, resilient, safe and cohesive communities that focus on early intervention and prevention.

Laura Tyler - Commissioning
Laura has responsibility for developing and leading the commissioning, procurement and contract performance management function across the council. This will drive performance, manage our market and key stakeholders to ensure value for money for our services whilst meeting the outcomes for the people of Shropshire.

Natalie McFall - Care and Wellbeing
Natalie has responsibility for the delivery of statutory duties under the Care Act and developing joined up services to ensure that the needs of adults with care and support needs are delivered