Deferred VR applications - latest news

In the round of voluntary redundancy (VR) that took place earlier this year, there were some applications with clear outcomes, meaning the  application had either been approved or declined. However, there were other applications that needed further consideration, to make sure that any decision fits with our plans to transform how we operate, and become the healthy organisation we need to be. These applications were deferred.

Those with a deferred outcome were updated on the status of the VR application in May. This update explained that service reviews, attended by senior managers and colleagues at PwC were taking place throughout June and July to review every service in the council. The reviews established if and how services could be delivered differently in the future. Deferred VR applications formed part of these service review discussions. 

These reviews have now taken place, and deferred VR applications will now be discussed at the relevant workforce boards during September and October, along with the VRs received from July. We'd like to be in a position from October to have an updated outcome.

If, in the meantime, you have any questions, please speak to your line manager in the first instance.

Thank you for your continued understanding and ongoing hard work for our communities.