Why are we spending money with PwC?

Why are we spending money with PwC?

It’s a perfectly reasonable question. Surely we know our people and our issues best? Surely we could do this ourselves? And we could – but right now, we lack the necessary capacity and resources to transform the way customer connect to the council and how we connect to ourselves. We need to change – and we need to change fast. 

The DDU is an investment in the medium and long term. 

ICT simply do not have the capacity: in order for us to bring in more of the right people, we’re looking at a recruitment spend of £millions, plus ongoing costs.  

PwC have a record of success, having transformed customer journeys at other local authorities (including Hillingdon, Reading, Birmingham and Nottingham). 

PwC will be paid upon successful delivery. 

The project needs to be sustainable: PwC are working with and training council colleagues to develop and maintain systems and processes.