What next for the Shropshire Plan?
“Our role has to be to liberate the potential of our staff.”
Right across the council, teams and individuals are making a huge difference to the lives of the people of Shropshire. We need to be proud of the work we do, and the differences we’re making. It’s time we sung our own praises, and shouted our success from the rooftops. That’s why we’re asking you to Amplify Your Voice.
Listen to voices from across the council, and hear about the great work your colleagues have been doing.
Then feel inspired to record a podcast with Carl Jones or Ryan Kennedy from BBC Radio Shropshire. Share your successes, tell us about your challenges – and make sure your voice is heard by all your colleagues.
Get your team together to discuss a project that you’re proud of, and that shows how you’re transforming lives
Please complete this submission form
“Our role has to be to liberate the potential of our staff.”
“We’re making a real-life difference on the ground to the people of Oswestry.”
“There’s no substitute for the shared experience of theatre show – especially at Christmas.”
“We feel so glad to have had foster children in our lives.” Foster family
“When we improve a customer’s life, their whole opinion of the council changes.”