The Data and Business Intelligence team have developed the new Shropshire Plan Performance Dashboard. Helen Watkinson, Head of Improvement said:
"This is the start of the journey to put performance management at the centre of the organisation and it is not just about what we measure but the actions we take to improve our performance and outcomes for our residents."
Steve Taylor has been leading the fantastic work to agree key performance indicators (KPIs) with Executive Directors and members for each of the four Healthies. The new dashboard was launched as part of the quarter one performance reporting to cabinet and is currently being updated with the remaining KPIs.
Take a look
The new report provides much greater flexibility than before. The use of Power Bi provides a great look and ability to provide up to date interactive reporting. The inclusion of targets against each KPI is a big step change and sets our direction of travel in delivering the four Healthies of the Shropshire Plan including benchmarking against other local authorities.
This is an outstanding piece of work, and provides the transparency we’ve all been craving – not just us as staff, but for our residents and members, too. You can find the link on the Performance page of our website.